Monday, April 18, 2011

Flashback: Almost here!

My little bug is almost 1! It's on Wednesday, people. And then I'll have a 1 year old. How did you moms deal with this?

Last year, I was working full time, at or sometimes even over 40 hours a week, and I was feeling pretty good. I work on my feet all day long, too, and I was pretty proud of myself for being able to keep it up without slowing down at all.
I had a due date of April 28th, and at that point I'd had my doctor's appointments every Wednesday. At my appointment on Wednesday the 14th, my doctor was a little concerned about my dilation. I had been dilated to a 3 and was 90% effaced ever since April 8th, and at that appointment on the 14th I was dilated to "a good 3 plus" (95% effaced). My doctor was worried about me going past a 4 over the course of the week. She asked me to switch my appointment from the 21st to the 20th. We were concerned for a few days that she might even try to break my water for me on the next appointment, because she wanted to see me one day sooner.
Anyway, I worked a full 10.5 hour shift on Saturday, and I was scheduled for Monday the 19th too. I had a friend offer to take my shift for me, so I let him work for me and I took the day off. I just felt like I had a few things to take care of, not to mention I thought it would be nice take a day off to relax before the baby got here. I go some things done and added some things to my hospital bag. By the end of the day on Monday the 19th, Ab's room looked like this:

(Oh yes. Complete with sports posters on the wall.)

 No crib. It was late. Grrrr.

Notice the old stuffed animals on the floor of the closet- they used to be Spencer's.

Holla if you want me to keep going... the rest of the birth story is forthcoming! So let this be a warning to those of you who don't want to read about it or who could care less!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely want to hear the birth story! Do tell! Maybe I can live vicariously through you since Chloes birth story was so scary :)


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