Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We Love Keena

But I didn't take any pictures of her visit.

Well, I took two. And here they are:

Keena came all the way to Utah (in the cold, and you people know how much she hates the cold!) and we had a great time with her. We went to Chipotle on our way home from the airport and hung out that night.
I had a few things planned for us to do: we were going to sleep in and go bowling in the afternoon the next day, followed by dinner at Biaggis and shopping at the Gateway. That afternoon was actually a pretty big snowstorm, so we ended up scrapping everything and staying home ALL day, frosting and decorating Christmas cookies, and watching movies. (500) Days of Summer and Road to Perdition, if you must know.
The next day we had lunch and I drove Keena to Carrie's place so she could hang out with her and the kiddos at her house. It was a short visit full of snow, but I am SO glad she came to see us! We love you Keena, thank you!


  1. Hey I LOVE sugar cookies! Those look delish! Was that snow storm you speak of the last week of December? We were out for our anniversary that day, and man it was scary!

  2. those sugar cookies look bomb. glad to see you guys made the frosting yourself. i think decorating (and eating) cookies is one of my top 5 favorite christmas activities.


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