Monday, November 19, 2012

It's a-Bingo!

Those may have been the exact words I said to Spencer when my pregnancy test came out positive.

We had thought (well, fine- I had thought) that it might be a good time to bring another little one into our family. I had a feeling that we had another child that we needed to meet, which is a little weird I guess, but not untrue. It was right around Abby's 2nd birthday that Spencer and I realized that she was getting old enough that we could probably handle it.

I am 14 weeks, due May 23, 2013! I am pretty sick and can't handle thinking about or eating food. Last time, with Abby, I was sick the entire pregnancy. I had well-wishers say that the second trimester will bring some relief, and oh, isn't it nice that the first trimester is over? Hah! Although, I did realize at some point that I wasn't feeling nauseated every second of the day, although I'd still throw up like crazy. I'm hoping that point will come soon this time around, where I don't feel terrible all the time!

Want to know something funny? My sister Carrie, who piggy-backed on my last pregnancy (Abby and Colton were born 2 weeks apart) is pregnant too! Due May 24th. Who thinks we can keep this up until we're done?
My next doctor's appointment is next Thursday, and the dr says if the baby is cooperative we can see the sex already! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! Yay! Congrats you guys! Sorry you feel horrible. We were going to try to have you over for dinner one of these nights but I'm sure that doesn't sound good at all. Let me know if you do start feeling better or if you want to do something once you have more energy. Also, let me know if you need Abs to come over for a playdate to give you a break. I'm sure it is a lot harder to be puking when you have a two-year-old. I think our little June Bug would love playing with her and Abby can teach her all about 'Punzel' and Elmo. Congrats again!


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